Reading Books

My kids hold the brief window of time before bed as sacred - it’s the time when they are entitled to be read to. No matter what transpired that day: how much they already read, how much we read to them, who yelled at or fought with who, it’s a brief period of time in which we sit down and read for maybe a half-hour or so before concluding the evening’s bedtime ritual.

The books have changed a lot over the years: from board books, to books about animals, to graphic novels, to chapter books, to Harry Potter and Heidi. But the sanctity of that time has remained constant. It’s not that they don’t whine to watch TV, or to play video games - they absolutely do! - but they also whine at the merest hint that their pre-bedtime reading entitlement is at risk on any given night. And that’s one kind of whining I’m OK with.

I think that getting your kids excited about reading is a great gift to give them. So I’ve gone to pains to record this ritual over the years. I used to set up my phone and record video of us reading to them. I note down whatever books they happen to be into at that time. As they’ve started to read themselves, I’ve made audio recording of them reading books to us.

So be creative in how you document this facet of your kids’ lives. More than just the stories that you share with them, I think that they appreciate - now and later - the dedicated attention that reading lavishes on them.


The Week in Review


Cleaning Up