What’s their bedroom like?

The other week, I took a picture of my daughter’s bed because I wanted her to see what it looked like.

The crazy zoo of stuffed animals piled high into the corner. The set of four passport photos - one of each of us in the family - she squirrelled away and then posted in a row beside her bed, like some kind of weird altar. The creepy bears hanging by their necks from the wood slats above her. The polaroid of her BFF. The assorted knick-knacks (or is that actually garbage?) she keeps on her night table, and has a preternatural ability to tell when one has been thrown away.

The configuration of my kids’ bedroom has changed and mirrored their growing up. From bassinets to cribs to beds to bunk beds. From stuffed animals, to legos, to remote controlled vehicles. Bedrooms are maybe special in that, especially when their young, it’s a place that’s uniquely theirs (or part of it, if it’s shared). How they keep it might say something interesting about them.

So, write your kids about their bedroom. What’s the configuration? How is it decorated? What sheets do they have on their bed? What’s on the walls? How do they keep their stuff organized? Do they keep it clean or messy?


Apologize for a wrong


Why you should write your kids