There are a few words my kids still mispronounce, which I just can’t bear to correct them on. Call me selfish for putting my own sentimental needs above the linguistic development of my children but when they ask me about what we’re doing this upcoming “weekenend” or go searching around the house for an “ondalope” to put a letter on, I just smile and let it slide.
These little quirks are gold! Write them down. Tell your kids about them in a message. Keep that thread updated as you notice new ones.
Better still than just writing it down? Actually record them saying it, and attach the audio file to the message for an extra dimension. The built-in “Voice Memos” app on iOS (or any comparable one on Android) is great for this.
Then, one day, years into the future, when they finally read it, they’ll understand why, all these years, their friends seem to give them a slightly quizzical look whenever they muse over the competitive nature of today’s “doggy dog world.”